Jig for oval boxes, Mount Lebanon, NY
ca. 1925
Some sort of jig, either of cannabilized parts from other objects or incomplete. A white pine platform is screwed to the top of a rectangular arm with one wire nail driven through it. On the platform is a white pine block carriage bolted to platform so that it can turn. A sheet metal right angle bracket is also screwed to the platform to which is riveted a rectangular piece of spring steel which limits the turning of the pine block. A pine post is set into the platform edge and screwed to it whose side faces into the platform is carved into an arc. Next to it is screwed a thinner cherry post with the outside edges heavily beveled. The beveled edge facing the pine post has three abraded spots roughly corresponding to the center lines of the three swallow tails on template 1959.11692.1. The opposite beveled edge has six notches cut into it. Both are blackened from pencil lead. The six notches approximate the tack positions along the oval box vertical center line.
The handwriting on the jig corresponds to numerals written on swallow tail template 1959.11692.1, which was inscribed and used by Brother William Perkins. Two similar jigs, one labeled "6 1/4" and one labeled "9," are in the collection of the Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill, KY.