Gauge, Rabbet

Rabbet gauge, Church Family, Mount Lebanon, NY

Object ID:
New York, Mount Lebanon

Iron or steel gauge with between-centers turned maple handle. The gauge consists of a 3/16" x 7/8" x 4 5/16" steel bar with two slots cut through the 3/16" thickness. The front slot houses a fixed wedge, an adjustable probe and another fixed wedge. The rear slot houses another adjustable assembly of two steel bars and a steel wedge held together by a steel collar that is folded around their ends and pinned to the two bar ends. Behind this, the center bar is machined to a a 1/16" thickness which is fitted into a slot in the end of the maple handle. The bar is held in the handle by an iron pin.

New York Mount Lebanon Church Family

New York Mount Lebanon Church Family

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Shaker Museum Gauge, Rabbet. Accessed on September 29, 2024

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