
Child's bucksaw, Church Family, Enfield, CT

ca. 1870

Object ID:
Connecticut, Enfield

Small bucksaw of maple (Acer spp.), iron, and steel. The tensioning is obtained via wire loops and an iron and/or steel turnbuckle. The frame and spacers are of maple and the blade, now corroded, appears to have been made from 1/32 x 15/16" blued steel. The teeth are set. The blade is held in the frame with iron rivets. Appears to have been originally painted orange-red, but it has faded away. Illegible lettering on one side of the blade.


According to acquisition source, this is one of two child-size pieces made for Albert Dexter, who lived at the Church Family, Enfield, CT, and died there in 1874 at the age of 16.

Connecticut Enfield Church Family

Connecticut Enfield Church Family

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Shaker Museum Bucksaw. https://shakermuseum.us/object/?id=24200. Accessed on October 10, 2024

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