Pattern, Casting
Casting pattern for a stove component, Canterbury, NH
Foundry pattern for a stove firebox of white pine consisting of a 5/16" x 15 11/16" x 31 15/16" rectangle of pine with 1/4" x 25/32" trim strips glued and nailed to the edges of the sides and back. A 5 3/4" diameter hole is cut through the top about 1" in from the center of the back. A pine donut is glued over this hole on the underside with a 4 5/16" hole in its center. The overall dimensions of the donut are 1 1/2" x 7 1/8". Spacers are glued and nailed to the underside of the top two along back, three along each side. As with the bottom, two semi-circular lugs (3/8" x 1 1/4") are glued and nailed to each side, one just inside the back edge, the other at the center of the side. Painted black.