Press, Bookbinding
Bookbinding press, North Family, Mount Lebanon, NY
Wooden bookbinding press in a rectangular frame. The press has two sections divided by a dado-jointed board held in place by three screws on either side. The bottom section is 9 1/2" x 11 1/8", within which there are four rectangular pieces of wood. The top section houses the press; through one side comes a threaded tenon, which on the outside has a wooden washer and semi-spherical end with a through-dowel. The cheek is a square board with a rectangular piece attached down the middle where a threaded tenon is secured. The threaded tenon continues through the board of the top section and ends with a turned knob with a thin wood dowel through it. The top sits just below the press's sides; atop the sides are thin rectangular pieces with rounded edges, which hang over the front and back.