Gauge, Marking

Marking gauge used by Brother Richard Woodrow, Mount Lebanon, NY

Object ID:
New York, Mount Lebanon

Nicely made marking gauge of maple, brass, and steel. Stem has brass wear-plate inset into cutter end secured by a single woodscrew and the cutter pin protrudes from this plate. Three circular mortises in the face of the fence once housed three brass wear-plates of which one remains. The turned turn-screw that locks the fence bears down on another brass circle set into the stem mortise in the fence that serves as a pressure plate for locking. The stem is calibrated to 10 inches by 1/8" increments and inch intervals are marked 1 through 10.

New York Mount Lebanon Church Family

New York Mount Lebanon Church Family

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Shaker Museum Gauge, Marking. Accessed on September 21, 2024

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