Sweep churn, Church Family, Mount Lebanon, NY
Sweep churn (a) with a trianguloid form set on a softwood base. The four sides of the churn are secured by nails and a metal strap just below the mouth of the churn. The base has three straight sides and one curved side. Each long side has a through hole 15/16" from the top. The short sides are lipped inside to hold lid. The bottom is concave to allow the plunger to swing back and forth. Wooden churn plunger (b) with four rectangular wood pieces through the shaft secured in place by wooden pegs. The wooden piece at the base of the shaft is taller than the other three. The shaft is rectanguloid with the bottom edges shaved at an angle so it's flush with the rectangular wood pieces. About half way up the shaft the corners are shaved and the width tapers. The wood coloring is light on bottom and darker on top. Right before the wood darkens there is a through-hole. There is another through-hole near the end of the shaft. Wooden lid (c) to butter churn is stepped and the top step has a beveled edge. This step is secured to the bottom step with two nails in each corner. The top step has a rectangular cut-out 2 1/16" x 1 1/16". The bottom step has a rectangular cut-out 2 1/2" x 1 1/8." The short side of each of these cut-outs are angled to allow for the back-and-forth motion of the plunger. The top step has a through-hole on either side of the long edge.