Table, Work
One drawer work table painted red, Mount Lebanon, NY
Work table with a single drawer. Top is of a single white pine board, 1 1/4" thick. Drawer front, back, and ends are also white pine; bottom is basswood and two knobs are birch. Aprons and heavy square tapered legs are of American elm. Drawer guides and supports are white pine. Except knobs, which are natural, the table exterior is painted red. There are many tacks and remnants of oil cloth around perimeter of the underside of the top indicating that the top was covered by oil cloth at some time in its history.
Inscribed with the name "Martin H. Adams." Martin H. Adams was a Justice of the Peace in 1875 and town supervisor of Fort Ann from 1892 to 1893. Apparently the Mount Lebanon Shakers owned a large area of land in the vicinity of Fort Ann, Washington County, around this time, which they managed for timber. A building was erected on this land, presumably to house and feed the workmen. Thus the table may have been built on the site and used there. Mr. Adams may have acquired the table when the property was later sold.