Cupboard painted orange-brown, Church Family, Mount Lebanon, NY
Single door cupboard built-in to wall at proper left end. Door and proper right end both framed in pine each with two basswood panels. Frames joined by unpinned through mortises and tenons. Face frame stiles, door stops, top, bottom, and proper left of pine. Four full shelves, two U-shaped shelves, and backboards are basswood. Surface mounted iron lock on inside of door, bone escutcheon outside as well as a surface-mounted iron latch and strike and a between-centers turned beech knob. Door hinged with two iron butt hinges. Frames round panels beveled inside and out in door, outside only on proper right end panels flush with frame inside. Top overhangs carcass at front and proper right and has a 5/16" quarter-round pine molding mitered around exposed surfaces. Outside was painted pumpkin which has faded on the pine to brown. Interior painted yellow. From holes in back and door bottom flush with cupboard bottom.