Winder, Thread
Flax winder used by Sister Emma J. Neale, Church Family, Mount Lebanon, NY
Flax winder with a square dovetailed base of curly cherry with a curly maple bottom. A turned hickory shaft is held vertical by a cross-piece dovetailed into the top of the square base. A winding reel of chestnut fits over the hickory shaft upon which it rotates. The reel has crossarms at top at bottom, lap joined to yield four projections. These crossarms are separated by four turned chestnuts columns. At the ends of the crossarms are four holes through which turned chestnuts shafts can be inserted one per end. Thus the length of a wrap is adjustable. The reel has a cherry urn turning at the top center which has a hole in its bottom at center. The hickory shaft into this hole and since the hole is blind, the hole end serves as a bearing which spins on the hickory shaft end. There is flax thread wound on the reel.