Stencil for "Maine Standard McIntosh Apples," used by Brother Delmer Wilson, Sabbathday Lake, ME
Sheet brass with cut out letters. Two strips soldered together. The stencil reads: "MAINE STANDARD A / McINTOSH APPLES / MIN SIZE 2 1/2 IN / D.C. WILSON / SABBATHDAY LAKE, ME. U.S.A.", with the lines in varying sizes. 7/16" hole in the upper left hand corner.
On June 4, 1956, Mildred Barker, trustee of the Sabbathday Lake, ME, community wrote to John and Mary Williams after a visit to the Shaker Museum and Library, closing with the comment: "I am hoping to persuade Brother Delmer to give me one of his stencils for the apple boxes. I think it would be nice for you to have." Later that month Delmer C. Wilson (1873-1961) gave this stencil and another to the museum. Wilson was in charge of the extensive Shaker orchards at the community and was known throughout Maine for his fine apples, particularly the McIntosh variety. Wilson made and stenciled the wooden apple box (#1960.12500.1) in 1958. The stencil reads: "MAINE STANDARD A McINTOSH APPLES / MIN SIZE 2 2/1 IN. GROWN & PACKED BY D.C. WILSON, SABBATHDAY LAKE, ME. U.S.A."