Woven rug, Canterbury, NH
Cotton warp sett close 12 epi. Two different colored stripes in a repeating pattern throughout using a combination of plied "s" and "z" twist yarns and woolen rag. Bound on all four sides with woven tape. Stripe one is 2 3/8" wide and comprises one pick blue rag; two picks multi "z" and "s" twists of red, brown, beige, and green; one pick indigo blue; two multi-twist; one pick red rag; two picks multi "s" and "z" twist; two picks royal blue rag; two picks multi "s" and "z" twist; and one pick blue rag. Stripe two is 1 1/4" wide and comprises three pick dark brown; two picks blue/green yarn; four picks multi-twist in red, white, and green; two picks blue/green yarn; and three picks dark brown.