Postcard, Picture

Spin Shop and Wood House (1816) United Society of Shakers Sabbathday Lake, Maine


Object ID:
Maine, Sabbathday Lake

This card has the following note, dated May 12, 1986, written on it: Dear Ms Kelly, [Ann Kelly was the librarian at the Shaker Museum|Mount Lebanon in 1986] I hope these will be helpful. I will be sending one more-- an 8x10 color arial view -- this afternoon or tomorrow a.m. Than you for your patience. Paige Lilly [Paige Lilly was the librarian at the Shaker Library at Sabbathday Lake, ME in 1986] The postcard is copyrighted in 1974 by "The Shaker Press."

Maine Sabbathday Lake Church Family

Maine Sabbathday Lake Church Family

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Shaker Museum Postcard, Picture. Accessed on September 23, 2024

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