Mount Lebanon, New York, South Family Records

Object ID
Collection 5
Historical notes

The South Family originated in 1787 as the John Bishop family and became part of the Order of Families. In 1811 the family was placed under the care of the Second Family during which time it was known as the South House. In 1854, the South Family was set off under its own elders and in 1857 independent trustees were also appointed. Elder and Trustee Robert Wagan established a production chair business at the South Family in 1863. This business was taken over after his death by William Anderson who was moved from the Church Family to become South Family Elder and Trustee in 1884. Although Anderson was often in conflict with the sisters of the family, he remained at the South Family until his death in 1930. Chair production, however, was transferred to the Second Family under Lillian Barlow and William H. Perkins sometime after 1915. Eldress Sarah Collins continued seating chairs at the South Family. The Sisters also maintained a store which Sarah Collins managed until the 1930's. As the last remaining South Family member, she was moved to the Second Family in 1934, from there to the North Family and finally to Hancock, Massachusetts, where she died in 1947.


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Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon. Mount Lebanon, New York, South Family Records. Accessed on September 20, 2024

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