Mount Lebanon, New York, Second Family Records

Object ID
Collection 4
Historical notes

The Mt. Lebanon Second Family was first organized in 1788 as the Order of Families, a group of eight small families whose members retained some ties to the world. It was consolidated in 1811 as the Second Family, members signing a fully consecrated covenant in 1815. The East Family was separated from the Second Family in 1827 and the South Family in 1854. These three families were the junior order of the society at Mount Lebanon, having their own elders, trustees, and family deacons, but subordinate to the Church Family in terms of spiritual leadership and influence. When the East Family closed in 1872, its members returned to the Second Family. The South and Second Families retained close ties, cooperating in business activities such as the chair industry. Ernest Pick and Clarissa Jacobs were elder and trustee respectively at the turn of the century. Lillian Barlow and William Perkins operated the chair industry after 1928 with Sarah Collins of the South Family. The Second Family closed in 1940.


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Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon. Mount Lebanon, New York, Second Family Records. Accessed on September 20, 2024

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