A Memorandum, or Journal of certain avents [sic] etc 1836 Kept by Samuel Turner, 1836-1842.
1836-1842, 1875-1878
Scope and content
A Memorandum, or Journal of certain avents [sic] &c 1836 Kept by Samuel Turner, 1836-1842. Pages 1-11 contain a description of Turner’s return trip to Mount Lebanon, NY, and a list of deaths at Pleasant Hill, KY, during the period 1836 1842. Pages 12-15 are An Account of Some Items, recorded to assist the memory, BC [Betsy Crosman], 1875-1878. Biographical entries made by Crosman. On pages 61-62 is “A Receipt how to make an Excellent Syrrup [sic] for a weak Stomach, or consumption.”
Samuel Turner (1775-1842) | Betsy Crosman (1804-1892)